Author headshot session for the book “There Is No Box”
I recently had the pleasure of creating an author headshot with Dino Miliotis, author of the book “There Is No Box“.
In the initial consultation, his idea was a contemplative look for the book cover. After discussing it we had decided on a darker background, a dark table, and the emphasis on his face and hands. Once we started, a wonderfully serendipitous moment happened. Dino pursed his lips in reaction to something his wife had said and I had decided to capture the expression. Long story short, after reviewing the images, Dino had decided he liked the fun element of that image. It would be perfect for the cover of the book.
Luck = Preparation + Opportunity
I’ve been told that luck is where preparation and opportunity meet, and in any creative endeavor, that seems to hold true. We began this session prepared and with an idea in mind, and the opportunity presented itself to create something even better! Being open to the unexpected is what great photographers throughout history have practiced, and many iconic we enjoy today came from this. This proves that even in something as simple as a headshot, you can elevate your brand, elevate your message, and elevate what your audience sees in that simple headshot.
In conclusion, we all bring something important to what we do. Whether it is an author headshot, business headshot, actor headshot, or any other professional or creative endeavor, your headshot matters! At CsiPhotoDesign at the 8th Street Studio, our goal is always to make our clients look good and most importantly say something important about what they do.
What is more, would later learn more about Dino Miliotis and his life up to this point. It’s a very inspiring story and I count it a privilege to have been able to help him with the book cover.
More about Dino and his book
Check out Dino’s website and you’ll also find links to purchase his book.
Phil White M.Photog, CPP
Phil White is the Managing Partner and part-owner of CsiPhotoDesign at the 8th Street Studio. He can be reached at or 208-331-2287