Can a professional business portrait help get you some attention in your career or business? I believe so because many of our clients have reported back what a new business portrait has done for them. A well-crafted business portrait not only helps convey trust in and what they do, and it also conveys important messages to a prospective client or employer. I want to give you 3 easy steps to getting the most out of your business headshot.
1. Hire a Professional Photographer
Of course, we’re going to recommend this, and here’s why: A professional will ask you questions about your career, and what sets you apart from others in your profession. They’re going to talk about branding, be your business or branding of the company you work for and plan how that is styled into your portrait. They’ll talk with you about your overall look, be it confident, approachable, or something in between. Finally, they will help advise you on what to wear to help pull it all together.
A professional is going to work with you in the areas it’s hard to do yourself. They are experts in posing and lighting for the best possible look. A professional photographer will work to create an authentic expression that is genuine and real and afterward can retouch the portrait to perfection. There is a lot to consider and professional photographers make this whole process easy!
2. Post and Promote your new business portrait
This is the key to getting the most from your new business portrait, post, and promote it! You don’t have to do anything crazy here, but put it out to LinkedIn, Facebook, etc… and simply say, “Here’s my new business portrait!” and watch what happens! Over the years we’ve seen several clients post their new headshot and excitement over it seems to follow, and sometimes new business too. No guarantees on the response, but the likelihood that people will notice goes up tremendously when you release a new headshot. It’s an easy way to cultivate your 15 minutes (or more) of fame and, more importantly, show the world that you are serious about what you do for a living! Serious enough to get a professional business portrait.
3. Update your headshot often
Have you encountered someone who is using an old business headshot? We see it all the time. Perhaps they like their portrait from 20 years ago, perhaps they just haven’t made time for it, maybe they don’t see the need for it… Whatever the reason, the portrait eventually becomes less relevant to who they are today. It is important to consider that we are trying to cultivate trust with our prospective clients and associates. Your portrait needs to be an expression of who you are…now! That portrait will be what future business prospects will use to find you at the next networking event and it needs to look like YOU! In short, it is important to be authentic in your business and professional life.
With good posing, lighting, and retouching, a professional can and will bring out your very best…making you look like you on your very best day! With all this in mind, it’s a great idea to update your business portrait every two years.
A well-crafted business portrait is an important tool in our marketing tool chest. It helps build trust, helps you stand out from the crowd, and helps provide that necessary branding statement you want your clients to know. A professional photographer makes this whole process easy! For more information and more samples, go to our Business Headshot page or simply book your session now! For any questions, give us a call at the studio, at 208-331-2287
Phil White M.Photog, CPP
Phil White is the Managing Partner and part-owner of CsiPhotoDesign at the 8th Street Studio. He can be reached at info@csiphotodesign.com or 208-331-2287